DL Harkins Takes On The Next Cancer-Fighting Facility in Orange City, Florida

Orange City, Florida – DL Harkins Construction LLC (DLHC) is scheduled to complete a state-of-the-art oncology center 40 minutes north of their Orlando headquarters. The single-story, 24,149-square-foot building was designed by MRI Architectural Group, Inc, along with SSR, Interplan, and Worchester Engineering.

The oncology center will have an initial build-out of 18,116 SF. The remaining 6,033-square-foot space will be left as a shell for a future expansion. Lastly, a 13,750-square-foot building pad will also be on site.

DLHC will propel the project to success by January 2022. They have a long history of these types of projects and meeting tight deadlines.